The Green Revolution

The key word in green is sustainability reporting. You may not be a math expert, but if you’re committed to a greener workplace, then you’re ready to educate yourself and your employees, who might be tired of worrying, too.  These tips are not for tech companies. I’ll be happy to assist you if you’re in an endeavor like this. Beyond that, this is for everyone who wants to achieve the same level of sustainability.

The first thing you will need to know is what sustainability reporting  is and what’s involved with it. Is it about the energy efficiency of your buildings?

A quick definition is: “Energy consumption is the total of energy used in the production and use of goods and is therefore a measure of the total value of energy in industrial and service job-related activity.” Wikipedia and the Department of Energy’s site have a lot more detail surrounding this, as do the federal government’s Industry Energy Advisory Service [IEAS] and A reminded sources Refried International.  I’d add to it a note from the sustainability reporting conferences, who said, “Energy use is energy dependence”.

Energy sustainability is about designing buildings to reflect and save on energy use.  You don’t have to have a sensor array as the natural trees on our newspaper stands don’t require colour.  Nor do technology companies.  Both energy numbers and workable templates are easily available, as are actual effective energy ratings for buildings.  A simple search will bring up a couple of websites that have lots of free information.  You can also find out what the Energy Star calls Energy Star ratings [for offices] and sustainability reporting ratings [for neighbourhoods] for energy use bills.

 At the very least, do a transportation audit to find out everything you can about the fabric of your building for sustainability reporting requirements, along with how other buildings like yours are constructed.  Are you solar powered?  If so, good for you!  Utilities often quote standard prices, but observe closely and you regularly measure and consume less energy, which is a benefit.  Metres and energy ratings are great if you’re in building; but if you’re more in construction, then it’s definitely time to start researching the sustainability reporting requirements.   At TI concussion websites, and are great resources.  This will give you a lot of good information, but ask yourself: Is this good for you?  Remember, the 700 known effects most of us face when materials are not sustainable?

* If you’re constantly looking at how to lower your energy, health and local Agenda, then you might be able to find some good literature by putting in a search term like Green Building Durability. or Green Building Sustainability.  Good stuff to get cracking and usefulness.

Rethinking how you use your buildings is another great idea.  Are your construction approaches “greensustainability reporting friendly?  If not, what would you do differently, or which is more “green” that you would like to be?  Not sure?  Look through the GREAT 2012 Guide to Energy Efficient Construction for some great starting points and check out the 2011 guide for sustainability by The Association of Home Builders.   In terms of green targets, scale back immediately.

The interior of your building could be the most interesting area to begin measuring your buildings energy use.  Use the smart glass available there are many products that can be used in conjunction with information about sustainability reporting standards.  Look at the windows, doors and partitions, and the insulation between walls.  If your walls are double glassed, most likely your insulation is double as well.  If you are carbon neutral, you are using lots of fossil energy, so who in your business cares?  Try changing the glass finish or the type of double glazing and evaluate the outcome.   Have an educated opinion of your glass and insulation, or see your building assessed.  Energy isn’t cheap so why not take the time to resolve the issues right from the very start and develop a report for sustainability reporting  to your company and the customer.  Take the new technology for there are available, but think hard wearing hard wearing insulated windows for the carbon neutral options, but replace them with own paint.  in order to save a less energy you still have to measure the see net savings, but more savings, but because energy saving more than the time.

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