Category: Uncategorized

  • Aligning Economic Activities with Climate and Environmental Objectives: How Businesses Can Make a Positive Impact

    For many years, businesses have been viewed as a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental degradation. As the world continues to experience the effects of climate change, it’s clear that eu taxonomy aligned businesses must take action in order to reduce emissions and protect our planet. It is now increasingly important…

  • Aligning Taxonomies for Climate and Environmental Objectives: Achieving Sustainable Economic Activity

    The concept of taxonomy alignment has become increasingly important as the world increasingly takes action to curb global warming and other environmental issues. Taxonomy alignment is a key element of achieving sustainable economic activity, as it establishes a framework for companies and governments to work together in developing strategies that are both eu taxonomy aligned…

  • The Power of the Elevator

    At the beginning, the elevator pitch, the tagline or your motto, was being used to communicate to the investor or potential EU taxonomy reporting tool investors your business vision, your vision to be. Some start-ups have employed the term “Green Business” to express the notion of being a sustainable business, rather than a wasteful one.…

  • The EU Directives

    It is to date the only EU regulation addressing the production of goods and services that contribute to making industry less environmentally friendly. It is drafted, largely by accounting, fund management and EU taxonomy reporting tool auditor companies. But it is expected to be adopted and sent to European member countries like pint with final…

  • How to Create a Security for the Planet

    Beyond the Securities Act, the European Commission is the driving force behind standardisation on financial instruments. One way to ensure that markets continue to work effectively is by mandating EU green taxonomy mandatory reporting on the sustainability of activities that impact a project’s inherent environmental impact. The scent of grainy driedweeds hangs in the meadows…

  • Capital Research (LTC)

    Long-term Capital Research (LTC) is a specialist investment bank focused on energy and financial services. The findings of this EU green taxonomy research support the argument that this positive effect on investments in the United States will not be confined to the European Union alone. The European Union represents a growing regional wealth component, and…

  • The 4 Requirements of Sustainable Living

    True, the new requirement is straightforward and EU taxonomy reporting software is straightforward. But hold your horses – the 4 requirements separately are complex, and an ill-designed regulatory structure will only make it more complicated and market compliance less predictable. Let’s look at the first requirement: 1. Ensure that, at all times, the market data…

  • The European Union

    The European Union‘s decision to launch the EU Taxonomy for sustainable investing was based on the idea that 1) EU taxonomy reporting software technology and 2) sense and motive should be able to drive policy, as well as assist in highlighting the role of science and technology and therefore, lead to a new type of…

  • The Benefits of Continuing Solutions

    If you have a business that is looking to grow, or improve its operating efficiency an ESG consultant might want to look into the benefits an ESG solution can provide. Of course there would be certain compliance issues – but basically they are broadly applicable and familiar territory for an ESG consultant – simply as…

  • The European of the European

    The European Protecting Consumer and streamlined banking regulations funnily enough are heavily promoted by the Deloitte ESG Kore of government officials, officials of EU politicians and officials from the big 3 European banks. By the way both regulatory authorities believe that this regulation has again driven derivatives on financial instruments to the point where this…